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Remember to read the Main Rules page for easy reference.
Remember to read the Expected Behavior link thoroughly to gain a better understanding.
Please ensure that you read the Help pages before you begin playing Horse Isle.
Please make sure that if you do not understand something in these extended rules that you ask a parent or guardian to help you understand.
1] Admins are the people who created this website, and Horse Isle itself.
2] Admins run the site, and rarely have time to play.
3] Admins should be fair, and uphold the rules set forth. Being fair requires being strict.
4] To contact an Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi1.horseisle.com ) and click "CONTACT US".
5] Keep in mind that Admins are extremely busy, trying to edit the game and make additions to better the game, ensure that your question is important when contacting them.
1] When advertising a horse or item on Horse Isle, please ensure you use the "ADS Chat".
2] The definition of an advertisement is: "to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it." ( Dictionary.com)
3] Adverts can include the following but are not limited to: Buying, Selling, Wanted, Auctions, Clubs, Needing, etc.
4] By using the format /$ in front of your advert .. "/$ Your Advert here" will send your advert automatically to the "ADS CHAT"
5] Please avoid sending advertisements to players with the Personal Message system - most players do NOT appreciate this.
Adult topics
1] This game was designed for ALL ages, any topics related to graphic adult content are strictly against the rules and will result in immediate punishment without warning.
2] Topics unsuitable for Children under the age of 13 years old are not allowed.
3] Please ensure that you do NOT get involved in an inappropriate discussion if you do see it happening. A Moderator will attempt to resolve the issue and being involved in any way could attribute to punishment.
4] Involving yourself and others will only fuel an inappropriate discussion.
5] If you do see an inappropriate discussion occurring and there are no Moderators online please file an abuse report immediately.
6] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning.
Abuse Reports
1] Abuse Reports are filed in an effort to sort out any serious Rule breaking problems.
2] Admins review ALL Abuse reports - treat this feature with respect. Abusing the system will result in violation points gained to your account.
3] The abuse report will send the report that is filled out by the player along with a short chat log.
4] The broken rule must have occurred within that chat log.
5] An abuse report should ONLY be sent if it is a serious rule break.
6] Some examples include harassment, pushing someone for detailed personal information and getting extreme profanity around the filter.
7] In order to file an Abuse Report you need to click the "PLAYERS" button and then click the button "ABUSE REPORT".
Abused Horses Claims
1] Horses on Horse Isle cannot be abused in ANY way - it is not possible, and not acceptable that you refer to Abuse regarding Horse Isle Horses.
2] Claiming Abuse in order to gain horses or items on Horse Isle is unacceptable, and will be considered a scam.
3] Do not file abuse reports on the state of another players horse. It is their responsibility to care for their game horses, and they will be sent to Prison Isle if they don't.
Account Sharing
1] Do not share your account with another player. This means allowing someone else on your account.
2] You are 100% responsible for your account. Should someone else log into your account, they could cause violations or steal from you. So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess.
3] If a friend or sibling wants to play the game, help them set up their own account. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. Remember, you should not know their password. Do this instead of letting them use yours.
1] Please do not engage in an effort to argue another player - rather ignore the situation and continue with your conversation.
2] Please do not argue with a Moderator when you are told to do something, or when you are Muted. There is always a good reason if a Moderator has contacted or muted you.
3] Please do not openly argue any rules, if you have a problem, please rather Email the Admins with a legitimate question.
4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning.
1] No paying others to win, lose or place in a competition. This is considered cheating.
2] If you see others advertising for this or participating in this activity, please file an Abuse Report.
Art and Drawing Rooms
1] ALL game rules apply to these rooms.
2] Please do NOT draw or write ANY inappropriate or graphic content on these boards.
3] If you do happen to see any inappropriate content in the Art rooms, please send a Personal Message to a Moderator immediately.
4] Please do not openly broadcast these violations on a public chat - we do not need to bring any further attention from other players towards this issue.
5] DUE TO ABUSE - Only subscribers drawings may be seen by other players.
6] If there are no moderators available, look at the following: "Last Player to Draw:" and file an Abuse Report against the Playername beside that; click "Clear" when you have reported the player.
Artist's Work
1] The artist's work includes drawings of Horse Isle Horses, Companions, Tack, etc.
2] Please do not comment in any negative way about the Artist's work - remember that all you see on Horse Isle, is someone's very long and tedious hours of work, and respect is well deserved towards the Artist(s).
3] Remember that everyone has their own tastes, which might differ from your own, it is best to keep any negative opinions to yourself.
Attempting to Reclaim Released or Previously Sold horses
1] Once a horse has left your account, it no longer belongs to you.
2] Please do NOT bully or harass another player into selling or returning a Released or Previously sold horse back to you.
3] If someone attempts to bully or harass you about this, please ask them nicely to stop asking.
4] If the player is still attempting to bully or harass you into selling it please Personally Mute them immediately and file an Abuse Report.
5] Remember that if you are seeking lost horses and willing to offer a good price, to please use the "ADS CHAT" function.
Anarchy and Players
1] The definition of Anarchy: "To gather a group of two or more players in an effort to cause disrupt, chaos, or disorder in order to make a specific point."
2] An example: "We HATE MODS club - they are mean, and they do horrid things and try to rule us with their power, they are bad - don't trust them!1!! Join NOW!"
2] Please do NOT engage in this type of behavior, any players involved in any sort of player anarchy will be warned and the situation will be diffused.
3] Anarchy can be in the form of a club - please report any of these clubs to a Moderator or file an Abuse Report.
Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale
1] Please do not ask another player to buy a horse that is NOT set under the "TRADING - Horses I am trading or auctioning:" heading.
2] Please remember to LOOK before asking if a player has any horses for sale, you can do this by clicking the "PLAYERS" button -> "VIEW ALL ONLINE", find the Playername you are looking for and click the "?".
1] The Definition of Begging: "to ask for as a gift, as charity, or as a favor" ( Dictionary.com)
2] This includes but is not limited to: Asking for 'free' horses, money, items, donations, etc.
3] Begging is strictly against the rules - the aim of the game is to earn what ever it is that you want, and begging takes the fun out of the game.
4] If a player Personal Messages you begging for something, kindly ask them not to beg.
5] If the player continues please file an Abuse Report, and Personally Mute the player immediately to avoid any conflict. Do not respond to the player.
1] We do not recommend that you board your horse on another player's account. Once you give that player your horse, they can choose to keep it.
1] Please remember to take frequent breaks when playing on the internet or computer.
2] There are health risks to extended and prolonged use of the computer - ensure that you get up frequently and walk around/exercise.
3] Remember to do everything in moderation, a few hours per day will suffice, and at the same time give you a more enjoyable game
(Absence makes the heart grow fonder).
1] The definition of Bias: "a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice." (Dictionary.com)
2] In other words, someone or something you don't like for any particular reason.
3] If you happen to share a personal bias towards another player or topic of discussion, please keep it to yourself. Engaging in harmful discussion will result in a
warning or punishment.
1] The definition of Bullying: "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people; to act the bully toward; intimidate; domineer" ( Dictionary.com)
2] Please do NOT engage in bullying of ANY kind - this is strictly against the rules.
3] Please to not let another player bully you into anything (e.g.: Bullied into buying a horse), or bully you in general.
4] If you are being bullied by another player, ask them kindly to stop what they are doing immediately.
5] If the player does not stop, please Personally Mute them immediately without further discussing anything with them, and file an Abuse Report.
Birthday Parties
1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these.
2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability.
3] You should be aware of players attempting to scam by holding more than one Party - if you notice this please file an Abuse Report.
Chat Forms
Cheat Sites
Chat Speak
Changing your Playername
Chain Letters
Deliberate Rule Breaking
Eating Others
Glitches or Bugs
Game Resets
Hate Groups
Hunting for Wild Horses in a Group Horse Whisperer
Inflammatory Speech/Topics
Insecure Players
Muted by another Player
Personally Muting Other Players
Muted by a Moderator
Multiple Accounts
Island Passwords
Account Passwords
Personal Information
Pricing of Horses
Parental Permission
Private Auctions
Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items
Player Politeness
Quitting/Starting Over
1] There is no breeding in this game. Any discussion of it is not allowed.
2] If you see others discussing breeding, please file an abuse report.
1] Please ensure you use the "CHAT ALL" feature for all general discussions, this chat has a limit, so don't spend too many of your global chats with irrelevant messages, ensure you use them with care.
2] Please ensure that you use the "ADS CHAT" feature for ALL adverts. This chat is limited to ONE advert per 1 minute - before you post your advert please ensure that you have selected the right chat. Do not be offended when you receive a warning for this, accident or no accident, this is the rule when advertising.
3] Island chats are not limited in the amount you can use, but please do not abuse it by spamming, this is against the rules.
4] All chat is recorded and monitored by Administrators, Including Private Chat. Keep it clean and family friendly everywhere.
1] Cheating in any way will result in punishment depending on severity.
2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc.
3] If you witness any cheating, first confirm with a Moderator, and then file an abuse report, participating in cheating will result in punishment.
4] If you find a bug and report it, you will be rewarded, with both respect and probably an in-game reward.
5] If you find a bug and take advantage of it, that's cheating, and you could lose your account.
6] Do not use any type of automated click/repetition tools. Instant permanent ban when detected.
1] Cheat sites are 99% of the time incorrect, or fraudulent sites - logging onto these sites could mean trouble for yourself.
2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites. Your efforts will be in vain.
3] Logging onto these sites could result in (among many other things) viruses on your computer, and hacking. Please be aware of these sites.
1] No cannibalism, this includes licking, nomming, tasting, ingesting, eating others or parts of others.
2] This can be disturbing to younger players and parents. If you see this type of chat, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
1] Using CAPITAL letters excessively is considered "shouting" on the internet. Please be sure that your "Caps Lock" is off.
2] Please ensure that you use CAPS within extreme moderation - you do not need to shout to get your point across, and players appreciate when you speak normally.
1] Chat Speak, SMS, Text or Leet Speak is defined as: Sloppy or hard to understand, and shortened grammar.
e.g.: "do u hav hoss 4sal? i wnt hoss sooo bdly, cn i by???"
2] This method of chatting is extremely hard to understand.
3] To the best of your ability, avoid using Chat Speak wherever possible. Misunderstandings can occur quickly when you use this type of grammar.
4] You have a full keyboard at your disposal, and do not need to use shortcuts in order to chat - players appreciate good English, and proper chat provides a fun and easy way to understand you, especially for those that play and English isn't their native language.
1] To change your Player name you must be a current subscriber.
2] You can only change it once.
3] Please click the "CONTACT US" link at the bottom of the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi1.horseisle.com) in order to contact Admin.
1] The definition of a Chain Letter: "a letter sent to a number of people, each of whom is asked to make and mail copies to other people who are to do likewise, often used as a means of spreading a message or raising money. "
2] Please do not send chain letters or partake in the sending of them.
3] Many people find them annoying, frightening or threatening.
4] If you receive one, leave it in your inventory, file an Abuse Report, and do not reply to it.
1] No paying others to win, lose or place in a competition. This is considered cheating.
2] If you see others advertising for this or participating in this activity, please file an Abuse Report.
1] The definition of a Raffle: "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize."
2] Raffles and contests where you must pay to enter are strictly against the rules.
3] Raffles are a form of gambling, which we do not allow in the game.
4] If you see a player holding a raffle or paying contest, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
1] It is against Horse Isle rules to use any date speak, this is not a dating service, please do NOT go deliberately looking for boyfriends or girlfriends as this will result in a warning.
2] Horse Isle is not a place to discuss who is "hot" or not, this could result in misunderstandings and disagreements - please do not engage in this sort of topic.
e.g.: Player 1: "Zack Effron is sooo hot I luvvv him" Player 2: "No he's not hes ugly!!" Player 1: "You hurt my feelings .. -cry cry cry-".
3] Please do not share, discuss or reference your sexual orientation.
4] Do not include who your significant other is in your profile, whether it be boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse. Who you are in a relationship with is not the business of others on this game.
5] Please do not ask for advice on love relationships on Horse Isle, this is a game and not a consultancy. Keep all personal relationship topics out of discussion.
1] The Definition of Defamation: "the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny" (Dictionary.com)
2] Name calling of ANY sort is not allowed, whether broadcast on the Global chat (Slander) or using the Personal Messaging system, do not engage in this sort of
behavior. (Name calling includes the use of the word 'noob', 'n00b' or any other variation.)
3] If another player is: Falsely Accusing, Name Calling, Slandering, Badmouthing, etc. either using Personal Messaging or Global chat please immediately Personally Mute the player AND File an Abuse Report.
4] Do NOT engage in this sort of conversation at all, it only adds fuel to the conversation and might land you in trouble whether you are trying to help or not, this situation will be dealt with.
5] If all players choose to not engage in the conversation, it will most likely no longer be discussed, and the player responsible will be dealt with.
6] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning.
7] Please file an Abuse Report if the discussion continues, and if there is no Moderator online.
1] Asking for donations publicly is a form of begging, and therefore considered against the rules.
1] Please ensure that you do NOT deliberately break rules.
2] If a Moderator sends you a Personal Message containing advice or a warning, please follow it immediately.
3] Failure to do so will result in action being taken.
1] No cannibalism, this includes licking, nomming, tasting, ingesting, eating others or parts of others.
2] This can be disturbing to younger players and parents. If you see this type of chat, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
1] Please do not speak in any language other than English.
2] We actively enforce this rule because we cannot Moderate nor understand all other languages, and nor can other players.
3] Please do not include another language in any Profiles, including Horse and Player profiles, if another language is included in your profile, you will be notified and told to remove it, or it will be
forcibly removed.
4] Naming of Horses in other languages are acceptable provided you include the meaning of the name in the horse's profile.
5] The filter is not set up to handle other languages.
6] The game and rules are written in English, so you need to understand English to play, so saying you don't know English is not a legitimate excuse.
1] The definition of a chat filter: "To remove or replace any given word, which is unsuitable or against the rules".
2] This filter is in place in order to protect the chat from any violations, or obscene content.
3] Please do NOT attempt to dodge or avoid this filter in any way. This is strictly against the rules.
4] Keep in mind that this filter does have a specific purpose, please do not openly argue the filter when you cannot say a specific word. This will result in a warning.
1] If you use obscene or inappropriate language, or are trying to share personal information, your post will be flagged, and the post will be blocked from the chat.
2] Admins review ALL flaggings, if your chat is flagged, it will be reviewed. Typing accidents will NOT result in any violation points.
3] If your chat was confirmed as having inappropriate content, violation points will be added to your account accordingly.
1] Any players found to be either causing a fight, or adding to the fight in any way will be dealt with accordingly.
2] If you are witness to a fight and there is no Moderator online please file an abuse report for each of the players involved.
3] If someone is trying to fight with you on the Personal Messaging system please Personally Mute them immediately. Do not upset yourself by reacting in the same manner.
1] The aim of the game is to have FUN!
2] Remember that rules allow us to help you get the most out of the game. Please keep to the rules accordingly.
3] If you make a mistake that results in a flagging or warning, don't feel too bad - we all make mistakes and it is all part of a learning experience!
1] There are five forums: Support, Bugs, General, Horses, Game.
2] The game rules apply to these forums.
3] Any inappropriate topics or replies found will result in immediate deleting of the topic.
4] Forums are "cleaned out" every so often, so please do not be offended if your post was removed. We need to keep them clean in order for the forums to load quickly.
5] If a Forum Thread is locked or deleted, please do not repost it. It was removed for a reason. It is also unnecessary to create a new thread to apologize for the previous thread.
1] Definition of gang: "a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons" ( Dictionary.com)
2] Gangs/herds/clans or anything similar are not allowed. This includes in profile descriptions.
3] Often times you may have these set up innocently, but often times, members break rules or harass other players under the guise of the group. Do not engage in this type of behavior.
4] If someone is harassing you, please ask them kindly to stop, if they do not, immediately Personally mute the player, and file an abuse report.
1] As with everything, Horse Isle is not without some glitches or bugs at some point.
2] Admins attempt to solve glitches or bugs as soon as possible, so do not be alarmed if something is not working.
3] If you come across a bug or glitch you can report it directly to an Admin or in the forums.
1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs.
2] You will normally receive Two Rubies if you are online at the time of a Reset.
3] All players receive three System Notifications before the reset occurs, and then Horse Isle will disconnect for you - do not enter any competitions, and do not be alarmed when you are disconnected - simply reconnect.
4] If you log in and things don't seem to be working properly (e.g.: You're a baby in the middle of the ocean), Click "TOOLS" in your Internet Explorer or FireFox Browser and Then Click "INTERNET OPTIONS", and then click the "DELETE" button under "BROWSING HISTORY". After you have cleared your history, reconnect to Horse Isle. Use Google to find instructions specific to your browser.
1] If you need help please always remember to refer to the Help Center provided to you on the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi1.horseisle.com) first.
2] Remember that most questions that you need help with are ALL covered in the Help section.
1] The definition of harassment: "to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute." ( Dictionary.com)
2] Harassment is STRICTLY against the rules, do NOT engage in it.
3] If someone is harassing you, please ask them kindly to stop, if they do not, immediately Personally mute the player, and file an abuse report.
4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is probably a good reason they were personally muted.
1] Hate groups or lists are not allowed. This applies to descriptions as well as clubs and advertising.
2] A hate list can be as simple as having in a profile: "I hate player1 since she didn't buy my horse."
3] If a hate group or list is found in a profile description, you will be asked to remove it or it will be forcibly removed.
1] We do not encourage players to hunt for Wild Horses in groups.
2] If a horse is free roaming, and uncaught it is considered a Wild Horse.
3] If two players both find this horse, the person who catches it, OWNS it.
4] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it.
5] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking.
6] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report.
1] If you choose to use the Whisperer to find a breed of your choice, that is YOUR liability.
2] The Horse Whisperer Warns: "Be
aware. Any other traveler could pay to see the same breed and might
beat you to the horse you chose to find. First to catch a wild horse
gets to keep it. There is no guarantee that you can reach the horse even if it is found. It will still cost you the full amount!"
3] If a horse is free roaming, and uncaught it is considered a Wild Horse.
4] If two players both find this horse, the person who catches it, OWNS it.
5] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse
before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it.
6] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking.
7] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report.
1] No offensive or inflammatory language. This includes religious proselytizing, racial comments, ethnic stereotypes, political statements, etc.
1] An insecure player is someone who willingly defaces or badmouth themselves.
2] This is not an appropriate way to talk about anyone, let alone yourself - please avoid undermining yourself wherever possible.
3] Acting in this manner can sometimes bring negative attention to yourself and frequently causes fights.
1] If another player has muted you, do NOT attempt to contact them in any other way.
2] Do not ask friends to contact the player who has muted you, this validates as harassment.
3] There is a good reason why another player muted you.
1] If another player is bothering you, making you angry or upset in any way please use the Personal Mute feature, do not respond in a harsh or rude manner, please simply just Personally Mute the player to avoid conflict or stress to yourself.
2] You can use this feature by clicking the "PLAYERS" button (next to the "HORSES" button which you use to view your horses), and by clicking "List Players Alphabetically". Next to the player's name you will see a "MUTE" button, click it.
3] Players cannot do the following when they are muted by you: Throwing items at you, contacting you in any way (e.g.: by sending you mail), by engaging in socials, etc.
1] Muting is a form of punishment used by Moderators or Admins in order to try and stop a specific action performed by a player.
2] Being muted results in ALL of your chats being barred from use by a player for a given period of time depending on severity.
3] If you are muted, you will be notified as to what you did wrong and for how long you were muted, you will also gain violation points accordingly.
4] If you have been muted, please accept that you have broken a rule - please do not argue as to why you have been muted.
1] A Horse Isle Moderator is someone who is enabled to enforce the rules of Horse Isle - someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid conflict.
2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own.
3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the game enjoyable for all.
4] Always ensure that you listen carefully to a Horse Isle Moderator. Moderators speak in GREEN text on the Global chat, and have [mod] beside their name when they send you a Personal Message.
5] NOTE: If you feel that a Moderator is treating you unfairly in any way, please file a legitimate Abuse Report.
6] Players who are not Moderators: Please do not attempt to correct other players who have broken a rule - this only singles out the player in question. This is a Moderator's job, and not at all expected of you.
7] Most of the time you will not see a Moderator correcting or warning a player - Moderators correct, or warn using a Personal Message - Please do not assume a Moderator is not dealing with a problem.
8] Friends of Moderators: Please do NOT at any time expect any special treatment towards yourself. You are NOT excluded from the rules, and if you are violating a rule, the Moderator is expected to take action immediately. Moderators giving their friends special treatment will have their status removed.
9] Moderators are not required to help other players - Moderators are players like everyone else. Sometimes they are busy, or working on their own things and Moderators are under no obligation to help. DO NOT be upset when they do not have time to help you, and be grateful when they do. Try making your requests for help to anyone on the server if it's a general game issue.
10] Moderators will NOT send you to Prison Isle for free, please do not ask.
11] If a Moderator tells you that something is a rule, then it's a rule and you need to follow it, whether you can find it in the rules or not. Moderators do not make up rules. If you have a serious concern that a Moderator is making things up, feel free to contact support, however, still do as asked.
1] Owning more than one account per player is strictly against the rules and is considered cheating.
2] If you have more than one person using the same computer for different accounts, please notify an Admin using the CONTACT US link, and take note of the following:
necessary because of all of the cheating. From now on, Only One Free player can connect to a certain server. Example 1: If Players A and B neither subscribe, and both play on Pinto, Now one of them will have to start playing on a different server or subscribe. Example 2: If Player A and B are subscribed to pinto and player C plays on Pinto for free, all 3 will be fine. We are sorry we had to make this change, but way too much of our time has been wasted by free players cheating, So we hope everyone can understand.
3] If you already own more than one account, please notify an Admin immediately, to have it deleted. Failure to do so will result in both accounts being deleted and all of your items lost.
4] A Multiple account is when you sign up for more than one playername; e.g.: JackFrost, JackFrostOne, JackFrostTwo, etc. Signing up to another server with your same Playername is not a multiple account.
1] Netiquette is commonly known as Internet Etiquette.
2] Here are some things you should do: Avoid hurting someone's feelings; Respect other people's online rights; Avoid insulting someone; If someone insults you, be calm and do not respond.
3] Remember that there are people behind the Playernames on Horse Isle, and that sometimes real life does get in the way of Playtime.
4] That being said, you cannot predict when a specific player will be online, and therefore can never expect them to be online at a certain time.
5] Remember NOT to expect another Player to reply to you absolutely immediately if you have sent them a Personal Message - sometimes people are away from the computer for a small while, and therefore cannot respond.
6] Do not get upset if another Player does not respond, there could be many reasons for that, be patient.
1] Opinions and freedom of speech are allowed, although they must be within the rules.
2] If you have a controversial topic that you want to discuss, please keep it to Personal Messages, these topics do get out of hand because players share different beliefs.
3] If your opinions happen to be offensive to anyone else, or will result in an argumentative discussion, please do NOT further discuss the topic.
4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning.
1] Offensive language is not allowed in any way.
2] The definition of offensive is: "characterized by attack; aggressive, causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying, the position or attitude of aggression or attack"
3] Do NOT continue a topic that is considered offensive in any way. This will result in punishment depending on the nature of the content.
4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning.
1] Please do NOT discuss island passwords in chat where others may overhear. Please do NOT ask them on any other chat than by using Personal Message.
2] This rule is in order because it ruins the fun for other players. Players should find these passwords themselves, as it makes the game more challenging.
3] If the passwords are shared on a Public chat, the password will be changed, and players will once again have to get the passwords from the residents.
4] An acceptable way to ask for help with passwords on global would be "Please PM me if you can help with a password."
5] Please do NOT post the actual riddle for the password in any public chat asking for answers, even though you intend that the answer is sent by Personal Message to you - most likely the answer will end up in the chat which you have posted the riddle in.
1] Please do NOT share your Horse Isle password! NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you.
2] ALWAYS ensure that you never use the same password on other websites - some sites utilize these especially in order to hack your account.
3] Never ever share your password with ANYONE.
4] You should change your password frequently in order to prevent hacking, you can change it by going to hi1.horseisle.com and clicking the "SERVER LIST" page. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Account Settings: CHANGE MY PASSWORD".
5] ALWAYS ensure that all of your passwords are Alphanumerical (Numbers AND Letters) and are longer than 8 characters.
6] If you choose not to heed these warnings - be aware that if you are hacked then it is your own responsibility. We cannot refund any account values if you have lost them due to password abuse.
1] When selling a horse, please do not use the pawneer as a threat.
2] Doing so will result in a warning. If you want to pawn the horse please go ahead, but if you expect to sell it, do NOT mention the pawneer please.
1] Do NOT share your Horse Isle password! NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you. Never enter it on another website either!
2] Do NOT share Email addresses/Instant Messaging accounts. If you share your IM account name, we cannot and will not be able to help you if you are harassed or offended.
3] Do NOT share ANY other Websites.
4] Do NOT share ANY Phone/Cell numbers.
5] Do NOT advertise other external (real life) items, things, places of any kind.
6] Do NOT ask another player's age, and do NOT share your own age.
7] Do NOT share your horse's registered name. This name is very specific so the horse, and thus you, can be located by it.
8] Do NOT share Real Names / Home Addresses / Home Towns;
9] Countries/States/Provinces are allowed to be shared.
10] Limit your contact and friendships to IN-GAME only. This is for your and other peoples' safety.
11] NEVER trust anyone met online.
1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given. This is your responsibility to price accordingly.
2] Please do not comment in any way about another player's pricing of horses or items - this is their business and their choice.
3] Please do not beg other players to help you in the pricing of your horse - this is your responsibility, not theirs.
1] Anyone under 18 should have parental permission to play.
2] We REQUIRE anyone under 13 to absolutely have parental permission.
3] Players of ALL ages enjoy Horse Isle, so please do not comment if you come across children, moms, dads, grannies, teens, etc. - We're all here to have fun =]
1] Please keep in mind that Horse Isle is a site open to all people, or all ages, in all countries, many share different beliefs,
opinions, etc. keep most conversation focus on Horse Isle itself. Remember to be aware of this fact when bringing topics regarding a certain country/state into play.
2] No harassing/bullying other players. Do Not tease, make fun of, call names, etc. The old, "if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't type."
1]Private Auctions are any auction held by a player and not in the auction block provided on Horse Isle. These are not endorsed by Horse Isle. We recommend you do not hold or partake in these.
2]We realize that only horses can be auctioned at the auction blocks. If you feel you must hold a private auction for items, you may. However, if there are complaints or reports of scamming, you may be asked to stop.
3]Private auctions are not controlled at all. It is possible for the auction holder to lie about the highest bid. It is also possible for players to bid more money than they have. If you find this is the case, please file an Abuse Report on the player immediately and let a moderator know if one is online.
4]If asked to stop holding an auction by a moderator, please do so immediately.
1] Please be careful when using an excessive amount of punctuation. e.g.: "Hi I Would like a horse soo badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you help me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????"
2] Players consider excessive use of punctuation annoying. Please avoid it whenever possible.
1] All game rules apply to profiles.
2] Please do not add ANY of the above rule breaking Personal Information - you will be asked to remove it or it will be
forcibly removed.
3] Please avoid controversial and religious topics or clubs within your profile.
4] No words that are changed in chat are allowed in descriptions or horse names. Just because a word that is normally changed in chat is not changed in profiles, doesn't mean it's okay for it to be there.
5] Please ensure that ALL content in your profile is in the English language.
1] The definition of Pity: "sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy; a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret." ( Dictionary.com)
2] Please do NOT ask for items using pity as an excuse to engage in begging.
3] Remember to try and keep personal misfortunes to yourself.
4] If you absolutely must share your misfortunes, or need someone to talk to, that is okay, but please do NOT deliberately ask for things because of something bad that has happened.
5] Don't share too many personal problems. This is a game and not a consultancy.
6] Please do not consistently bring up the same topic - if you have already discussed the topic, please do not bring it up again, this can be annoying to other players.
7] Ensure that your topic, if you must share, is NOT inappropriate and is within the rules.
1] Remember that being nice and polite makes the game enjoyable for everyone.
2] Remember that being rude about something will most likely make another unwilling to help you, or will cause a fight between players.
3] If you are polite in your demeanor (If you are friendly and nice), other players will be MORE willing to talk to you and help you.
4] Very few people enjoy sarcasm - if you feel the need to be sarcastic, ensure that you make a joke about it, and ensure it is in the right context - misunderstandings do frequently occur when players use sarcasm.
1] You may quit playing at anytime. Your account will auto-delete after 183 days (6 months) of inactivity, or 183 days of inactivity after your subscription expires.
2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating.
3] If you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner.
4] To have your account deleted so that you can start over, contact support@horseisle.com from the email address you used to create your account. Again, do not trade anything off your account. Do not create a new account until we tell you that you may.
1] Please do NOT answer questions for the Quiz on the Global chat.
2] The quiz questions are meant to be challenging, and all players can simply use "Google.com" for solutions if necessary.
1] Please do not announce quest rewards in global or other public chats. Many players like the surprise.
1] When asking for help with riddles, please do it privately. Please do NOT ask them on any other chat than in a Personal Message.
2] Answering riddles on Global chat ruins the fun of figuring it out for other players.
3] An acceptable way to ask for help with riddles on Global chat would be "Please PM me if you can help with a riddle."
4] This rule does NOT stand for Real Time Riddles, which are allowed to be answered in any Chat.
5] Please do NOT post the actual riddle in any public chat asking for answers, even though you intend that the answer is sent by Personal Message to you - most likely the answer will end up in the chat which you have posted the riddle in.
Responsibility for your Account
1] Players are 100% responsible for their accounts. Do not let siblings use your account and do not give out your password to ANYONE.
2] Your account is responsible for any violations incurred, regardless of who you claim has done it. (siblings, friends, pet cats, dogs, birds, rabbits etc.)
3] Please do not argue if action has been taken for any violation. We do not dispute violations added to your account.
1] Please do NOT discuss any form of religion on the Global Chat.
2] Remember that players may come from different countries and may share different beliefs.
3] We do not allow this kind of talk because arguments or disagreements may arise and feelings may be hurt. Mentioning religion often get many people offended.
4] Please be aware of this when creating a profile. There is no need to have any religious references in a profile. This even includes mentioning what religion you are. There is no reason others need to know what religion you are.
1] Please do NOT refer to any racial comments at all - there are many different players here of many different ethnicities, and respect is due to them all.
2] It is not advisable to bring up any topic directly related to ethnicity, arguments could occur.
1] The definition of a Raffle: "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize."
2] Raffles and contests where you must pay to enter are strictly against the rules.
3] Raffles are a form of gambling, which we do not allow in the game.
4] If you see a player holding a raffle or paying contest, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
Role Playing
Releasing Parties
Selling Uncaught wild horses
Selling Released Horses
Selling Gift Subscriptions
Selling Accounts
Sharing an Account
Starting Over/Quitting
Story Telling
Services Provided by Players
Terms Of Service
Trading Between Servers
Tack Shop Giveaways
Trading on a Promise
Unfair trades
Violation Points
Wild Horses
1] We do not advise that you engage in Role Playing of any kind within the game. There are many sites out there specific for it. You may not advertise these sites though.
2] If you feel the need to Role Play in-game, please keep it in a non-public chat like Personally Messaging or Here Chat. It is allowed in Buddy Chat only if all buddies are participating or don't mind you RPing. As soon as any buddies are annoyed, you must stop.
3] You may not advertise Role Playing. If you feel the need to participate, go ahead, but do not use a public chat to find more people.
4] If you feel that the Role Playing is becoming inappropriate, immediately discontinue with it.
5] File an Abuse Report if the conversation is directly inappropriate, breaking any Horse Isle rules, against ANY players still involved or being catalytic to the situation.
Real Life Advice
1] Please do not ask for real life advice on the game or in the forums. You have no way of knowing who is answering the question and what their experience level is.
2] Taking experience from people on the game could end up causing more problems. Please see a professional in your area instead.
1] Players have begun holding Releasing Parties. What occurs during these is players congregate in one location and release horses. Most of the time, the agreement is those that release will get the horse back.
2] We highly advise that you do NOT partake in these "parties". Horses are most frequently lost when a player captures the horse and won't return it. We will not return horses that are lost in this manner.
3] If you absolutely must hold these "parties", you are not allowed to advertise it and there may not be any entry fee. You may talk with your buddies about it, or in Here Chat, but no one else should even know about it.
1] Please do NOT get overly personal in your Horse Isle friendships. The game rules and Personal Information rules still stand.
2] Please do NOT actively seek out boyfriends or girlfriends on Horse Isle - this is not a dating site, and in NO way are you allowed to "flirt" with other players.
1] Please do NOT attempt to "sell" the location of a wild horse, if you do not have the space, either point out it's location or move on.
2] If you do this and another player comes up and catches the horse, they do not owe you anything as it was not your horse.
1] Please do not attempt to threaten by telling others you are releasing the horse, and will point out the location when money is paid.
1] You are allowed to sell subscriptions for in-game, Horse Isle money, however, Horse Isle does not endorse or recommend this since you must trade on a promise.
2] When selling a subscription, you must buy the subscription via PayPal before receiving the money from the player you are buying the subscription for. It is far more likely a player will pay you in-game money for a received subscription than it is for a player to pay real money to subscribe someone after they have received the in-game money.
3] If the player you bought a subscription for does not pay you immediately after it shows up on their account (you should be able to tell if they log out and back in with a star) then contact support and we will take the money from the person and give it to you. If we have to do this, more than what was promised will most likely be taken as a sort of payment for our time in the matter.
4] A player not paying after they received a subscription is one of the only instances where we will go into the other player's account and take what was promised.
5] If the subscription was paid for via PayPal eCheck, then the player receiving the subscription should wait until their account is credited, then pay the person that bought the subscription.
6] DO NOT attempt to claim you are selling a subscription or pawneer order if you are not subscribed yourself. This could land with you an immediate mute since, from our experience, someone that does not subscribe themselves will not subscribe someone else.
7] For those paying the in-game money for the subscription. If the player that is buying it insists you pay first, especially because they don't want to be scammed, do not give in. The more they insist, the more likely it is that they will not follow through once you give the money.
8] Make sure all money/transaction agreements are made On Game thus saved in the games chat logs.
1] Do not attempt to sell any accounts, whether it be Horse Isle or some other game.
2] If you are caught trying to sell an account, you will be given violations and possibly banned.
3] Do not attempt to buy another player's account. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, it will leave you with more than one account which is also against the rules. The other problem is the account was set up under that person's email, so they can simply change the password so you no longer have access to it, then sell it to someone else.
4] If you see someone claiming to sell an account, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
1] Scamming of any kind is strictly against the rules.
2] The definition of a scam: "a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle." ( Dictionary.com)
3] Please be aware of other players attempting to scam. Do NOT willingly give out your money, horses or items as that will fall under an unfair trade.
4] The only services that we suggest should pay for are those provided by Horse Isle itself, and not other players.
5] If you notice a player attempting to scam please file an Abuse Report immediately and inform a moderator.
6] Do not trade for a present because it could contain anything.
7] Do not trade something you are not willing to lose.
8] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed.
1] Do not share your account with another player. This means allowing someone else on your account.
2] You are 100% responsible for your account. Should someone else log into your account, they could cause violations or steal from you. So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess.
3] If a friend or sibling wants to play the game, help them set up their own account. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. Remember, you should not know their password. Do this instead of letting them use yours.
4] If you are not the account owner, but someone has given you their password, this does not give you the right or the okay to log onto their account, give them violations or remove anything from the account. Any players we find doing this will have their own account banned.
1] The definition of Spam is: "to post irrelevant messages one or more times in deliberate or accidental violation of rules."
2] Please do NOT spam at any time (posting useless, or similar posts over and over again);
e.g.: "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hi hi hi hi hi hi"
"thi salkjfrhighokijfghbddddddddddddddoidtgf;iohj"
1] The definition of Slander is: "a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name."
2] Please do not slander another player, if you have a problem either mute the player or take it to the Personal Message feature.
3] If you see a player slandering another player, or are being slandered in a public chat please file an Abuse Report immediately and Personally Mute the player.
1] Please do NOT attempt to steal from others, this is strictly against the rules.
2] Logging onto another player's account and moving things off the account is considered stealing even if the other player gave you their password. If we find you doing this, you will be banned and lose your account.
1] Slaughter topics are inappropriate and should not be discussed at any time, we all love animals and do not appreciate these sorts of topics.
1] You may quit playing at anytime. Your account will auto-delete after 183 days (6 months) of inactivity, or 183 days of inactivity after your subscription expires.
2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating.
3] If you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner.
4] To have your account deleted so that you can start over, contact support@horseisle.com from the email address you used to create your account. Again, do not trade anything off your account. Do not create a new account until we tell you that you may.
1] We do not encourage story telling in a Global or Public chat as it can sometimes be annoying to other players.
2] If you feel the need to engage in Story Telling, please keep the discussion in the Personal Messaging system, or in Buddy Chat.
3] If the Story violates any rules in any way, please file an Abuse report immediately.
4] This note stands for Forums as well, should your Forum post violate rules, the post will be removed immediately.
1] Suggestions are well appreciated, but keep in mind that it takes a lot of work to get most suggestions in effect.
2] Admins do review all suggestions - they should be reasonable as it is not possible for some ideas to be carried out.
3] Admins will try and add new breeds, suggestions and updates once to twice monthly, do not be offended if your suggested breeds or ideas are not added immediately - the process takes a long time to complete.
1] We do not endorse Horse Isle services attempted to be sold by other players, but do not prohibit the action.
2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item.
3] Services offered can include but are not limited to: Training, Boarding, Collecting, Gift Subscriptions, etc.
4] There have been cases of players attempting to sell non existent services or items (e.g.: "Horse Maps"); This action is considered scamming, if you are unsure about these services you may contact a Moderator or Admin to verify or report the action.
1] We do not advise that you willingly give your horse to another player for it to be trained in exchange for money. We cannot return the horse should it be stolen.
1] Please ensure that you have read and that you understand fully our Terms of Service. By joining you agree to accept them, and you agree to follow all rules.
2] If you are under the age of 18 and do not understand the Terms of Service, please ask a parent or guardian to help you through them.
3] It is extremely important that you understand the Terms of Service.
1] Please do NOT engage in threatening another player in any way. This is strictly against the rules.
2] If someone is threatening you, please Personally Mute the player immediately and file an Abuse Report.
1] Trading between servers is not allowed as it is trading on a promise. For example, you give a horse to a player while on one server and they promise to pay you on a different server.
2] If a player refuses to pay for something they want from you on that server, then do not complete the trade. Every trade must be fair in and of itself.
3] If for some reason you do complete a trade like this, file a report on that player, though realize you will not get back what was stolen from you.
4] You may buy Subscriptions and Pawneer Orders for players on any server. The Subscription/Pawneer Order policy must be followed. (see: Selling Gift Subscriptions) The two players must agree on the purchase while on the server that the receiving player will pay the paying player on. The receiving player may get the Subscription/Pawneer Order for a different server though.
For example, PlayerA and PlayerB are on Roan. PlayerB has agreed to purchase PlayerA a Subscription for the White server. If the two agree on a price, then PlayerB purchases the sub on White using the Gift Subscription option. Once PlayerA sees the sub on that server, they then pay PlayerB on Roan. If PlayerA refuses to pay, or claims that it wasn't credited, then PlayerB needs to email support@horseisle.com to find out if it was credited and to get the payment if it was. Remember that lying about it not being credited to attempt to get out of paying will most likely get you banned.
Trading Between Games (between HI1 and HI2)
1] Trading between HI1 and HI2 is not allowed as it is trading on a promise. For example, you give a horse to a player while on HI1 and they promise to pay you on on HI2.
2] If for some reason you do complete a trade like this, file a report on that player, though realize you will not get back what was stolen from you.
1] Tack Shop Giveaways are Horse Isle generated special events where players are notified and are told to go to a designated Tack Shop on any given Island to stand the chance of winning a horse.
2] Please do not be offended if you do not win or if another player wins more than you do. The selection is completely random, and the decision is final.
3] Avoid sending Personal Messages asking the winning player if the horse is For Sale - the player will most likely Advertise if they plan to sell the horse.
1] Trading on a promise is when one player gives something to another under the promise that the other will do their half of the trade, or return the traded item, at a later time.
2] Horse Isle strongly advises to never do a trade on a promise. Always be sure a trade is fair in and of itself.
3] Trading on a promise includes, but is not limited to: trading between HI1 and HI2, trading between servers, having another player board or train your horse, lending items/money/horses, trading an item/horse/money with the player promising to pay you back later.
4] If you do complete a trade on a promise and the other player does not fulfil their end of the deal, please file an Abuse Report immediately.
5] Horse Isle does not return items/horses/money that have been stolen. So be very sure you are happy with a trade before you accept it.
1] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed.
2] The trading system is set up so you both must ACCEPT what is offered. Be sure to include everything in one trade so you are not trading on a promise. If someone didn't offer something agreed upon, then don't ACCEPT the trade.
3] If you were tricked into accepting something, then please file an Abuse Report against the player.
1] Violation points are points that attribute to the amount of times that you have violated a rule and the degree of seriousness involved.
2] This is only shown to you to give you an idea of what you may have done that was against our rules.
3] We will not dispute, nor provide any more details about these Violations.
4] An account needs at least 10 points prior to being "Examined" to see if it requires removal or other steps.
5] Do not be concerned if you have 1 or 2 points against you. It has NO negative effect on your account.
6] Violations "Time Out" after 2 months and are removed from your record. The date shown is when we reviewed the violations, so may be a day or 2 later than the actual violation.
1] Violence is not allowed in the game. This includes in chat, profiles, descriptions and art room drawings.
2] If you see violent chat or descriptions please file an Abuse Report against that player immediately.
1] Please do NOT discuss other websites on Horse Isle, it is against the rules.
2] The ONLY websites which are acceptable to discuss are reference sites; e.g.: Google, Yahoo, Dictionary, etc.
3] We cannot control the content on other sites so we don't allow them to be shared.
4] Personal information could be on another website. If you share a website with another player then our attempts to keep you safe by limiting the personal information you can give out is severely compromised.
1] If a horse is free roaming, and uncaught it is considered a Wild Horse.
2] If two players both find this horse, the person who catches it, OWNS it.
3] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it.
4] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking.
5] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report.